Day: 11 March 2013

Brad McCarty:

Tell me this – Do you want to go to a site, click on something that looks like a story and instead have an ad fed to you? Because that’s what Mashable just “invented.”

I’ve seen something similar on Fark, but at least it’s from a website (Buzzfeed) that is already popular on Fark (not to mention that it’s clearly marked as an ad). Still, it’s misleading — at a casual glance, it looks just like a regular story.1 As readers are getting more accustomed to not clicking on ads, Mashable and Fark appear to be going for tricky clicks.

  1. This is doubly irritating for someone, like me, who is a “TotalFark” subscriber. ↥︎

The Onion reports:

“The great thing about South By is that practically everyone here is talking about the newest cutting-edge ideas, but the whole scene still has this super-chill underground vibe,” said the 33-year-old who went to business school, makes a six-figure salary, and develops marketing strategies for a living.

Dr. Drang:

I like Daylight Saving Time, and the advantages it brings more than make up for the slight disruption in my schedule. In fact, the most annoying thing to me about the DST changeovers is hearing people complain about them.

So many great and quotable parts of this article. The reality, for much of the Northern Hemisphere, is that the advantages it affords outweighs the minor inconvenience of changing the few manual clocks you have left in your house. Would you instead prefer a 4:00 sunrise in Chicago in June? How about an 8:00 sunrise in December?

In fact, where I live, these effects are amplified further. According to the U.S. Naval Observatory, we wouldn’t see the sun rise until nearly 10:00 in December, or we’d cope with a 4:00 sunrise. This daylight saving time malarky actually works quite well.