Wolfram Alpha and Siri

Erica Sadun has a great list of things that can be done with a combination of Siri and Wolfram Alpha. My favourite:

Visualize colors. Okay, I’ve saved the best for last. If you work with colors, this can save you a lot of time. Say, “Wolfram pound sign E 9 7 4 5 1” (for Burnt Sienna / Tangerine) or “Wolfram pound sign 2 9 A B 8 7” (for Jungle Green). This will also convert the colors to RGB values and look up closely-matching brand colors from Benjamin Moore. Make sure to scroll down to catch all the helpful information.

Anandtech’s 4S review, posted today, shows some glaring limitations with Siri, though. Anand asked it “when is it customary to tip?”, and it looked for meetings called “customary to tip”.

Still, it’s in beta, and these real-world cases are undoubtably helping Apple refine Siri’s AI.

(via Shawn Blanc)