
Color launched its not-anticipated application update today, and it’s been receiving rave reviews on Twitter, where by “rave” I mean the opposite.

Sebastiaan de With:

Hey, this pivot of Color looks great. No audio, 30 seconds of live video.

Watch out, ‘live webcam’ popups, there’s a new player in town.

Neven Mrgan:

Color has pivoted again, and their new demo video is a pee joke. Great job, everyone, back-pats all around.

Craig Hockenberry:

Apps and websites that require Facebook make it a lot easier for me to decide if I should check them out.

When I previewed the new version of Color back in November, I wrote:

Color is now video, instead of photos. It now uses Facebook instead of trying to start its own social network. And it now broadcasts worldwide instead of sharing with people next to you. […] Color still hasn’t answered the question “why?”.

Still waiting on that.