The New Droplr

Droplr fills a weird but necessary niche for me: it is my preferred way to host smallish files that I want to share with a few or a lot of people. Uploading a file via FTP is a pain in the ass a lot of the time, even with Transmit on both OS X and iOS. iMessage is great for sending files to one or a few people, but you can’t use it as a host. Dropbox is great for collaborating with a lot of people, but if I just want to hotlink an image for, say, this site, it’s kind of overkill. Also, the latter two will retain files on my computer, instead of just putting a single copy in the mysterious cloud.

Droplr fixes that for me. It’s a great way for me to host small screenshots for this site and for Twitter, because it doesn’t compress images. It’s also a fantastic way to send people design comps or links for review, and it has a hit counter, so you can make sure they saw it (or, at least, that’s what I use it for).

So what’s new? They’ve got a sweet new identity and brand new apps across the board, including for iOS. I’ve been using it for the past few months and it’s fabulous. It has a brand new design and a Share action, just as you’d expect. It’s also clever: it has a screenshot-specific upload, so instead of spelunking through your entire photo library, you can just look at screenshots. Smart.

The new identity and hosting plans are live now, and I think the new iOS app will be out later today, with the new Mac app (also wonderful) following later this week.