The Death of the Spec

MG Siegler:

First, computers kept going more mainstream — the above listed specs look like gibberish to most people. Second, the web took over and most computers quickly became more than fast enough for the majority of users.

Almost anyone can buy almost any computer these days and do all the things they usually do: browse the web, check their email, look at goofy cat pictures, listen to music, and so it goes. Modern computers don’t struggle with these tasks either; one can complete all of these with even the cheapest, lamest machines. The only people who really care about specs are outliers like video editors and gamers.

Siegler doesn’t outright say it, but this is the same reason that iPads is selling as fast as Apple can make them. It’s capable enough for most people most of the time. It also provides an engaging, responsive user experience, which allows people to develop something of a connection to it.