Telegram’s Latest Beta Is the First Major Third-Party App to Support Announce Messages With Siri

Taha Broach, the 8-Bit (via Charlotte Henry of the Mac Observer):

Telegram’s latest beta now supports AirPods’ Announce Messages with Siri feature, letting users listen and reply to incoming messages without having to access an iPhone or iPad.


Up until now, only Apple’s own apps like Messages and the Home app supported this feature. Apple even offered its Siri API to developers for implementing the Announce Messages with Siri feature. But no apps had implemented it so far until Telegram did recently. Although it isn’t available for everyone as of now, we can expect it to arrive sometime soon as an official update via the App Store.

Apple has allowed developers to build this into their apps since iOS 13.2’s release over a year ago. It surprises me that it has taken this long for a third-party app to support it. It seems to be a polarizing feature, but I love that Siri reads my messages automatically when I am exercising or washing dishes. I only rarely use Telegram, and wish the handful of other messaging apps I use would support this feature.