Sponsor: Magic Lasso Adblock: Incredibly Private and Secure Safari Web Browsing magiclasso.co

Online privacy isn’t just something you should be hoping for — it’s something you should expect. You should ensure your browsing history stays private and is not harvested by ad networks.

By blocking ad trackers, Magic Lasso Adblock stops you being followed by ads around the web.

Sponsor: Magic Lasso, ad blocking for speed and privacy

It’s a native Safari content blocker for your iPhone, iPad, and Mac that’s been designed from the ground up to protect your privacy.

Rely on Magic Lasso Adblock to:

  • Remove ad trackers, annoyances and background crypto-mining scripts

  • Browse common websites 2.0× faster

  • Double battery life during heavy web browsing Lower data usage when on the go

So, join over 280,000 users and download Magic Lasso Adblock today.

My thanks to Magic Lasso Adblock for sponsoring Pixel Envy this week.