Pulp 2.5 for Mac and iOS ⇥ blog.acrylicapps.com
I’m quite bad at RSS. I used to use NetNewsWire, but the unread count would frequently hit several thousand before I remembered to clear it. Pulp is my favourite RSS application because it makes me better at reading. It has a newspaper-esque layout, which isn’t everyone’s brand of vodka, but it beats the Mail-esque layouts of most RSS readers if you subscribe to less than forty feeds or so. It also has a great “Magic Reader” feature, which grabs the content of the page and strips out the crap. Think Instapaper, but for RSS.
The only downside is that Pulp is developed by two guys, which means that updates take a while. The new iPad was announced on March 7, but it took until yesterday for a retina-ready version of Pulp for iOS to be shipped. Happily, however, it includes extra stuff which made it worth the wait.
There’s a great new “smart” home page, which finds and collates articles based on what you read most. Pulp 2.5 is iCloud-enabled, which replaces the old custom syncing option. Finally, there’s a browser extension for Safari and Google Chrome, which allows you to save the current webpage to your Pulp shelf.
This isn’t a sponsored post—I don’t get the kind of traffic to get sponsors—I just really like the app. Both versions are on sale right now on their respective app stores.