Oh, It Is On

Hey, remember when Apple was told to stop selling the 3G iPad 2, iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS in Germany? Apple convinced the court to delay that ruling because they said Motorola violated EU FRAND patent rules. Anyway, they’ve just come out swinging their big bat from their cojones. Florian Mueller quotes from Motorola’s SEC report:

On February 17, 2012, the Company received a letter from the European Commission, Competition Directorate-General, (the ‘Commission’) notifying it that the Commission has received a complaint against Motorola Mobility, Inc. (‘MMI’) by Apple, Inc. (‘Apple’) regarding the enforcement of MMI’s standards-essential patents against Apple allegedly in breach of MMI’s FRAND commitments. Apple’s complaint seeks the Commission’s intervention with respect to standards-essential patents.

Good analysis by Mueller. This patent funny-business needs to stop, but as long as the laws stay the same, we’ll be seeing litigation from every company with a dog in the fight.