More Media Tablet Hype

Horace Dediu, calling out Gartner’s crappy reporting:

Note how the message changed over time. At first the effect was thought to be temporary (presumably due to “hype”). Three months later the “hype” was leading to “hesitation” in the channel. Three more months and there was “a hit” on Mini-notebooks but only for those needing a second or third device for “consumption”. In the fourth report it seems that “consumers” (vs. business users) are really interested in this. The fifth report suggests that the effect is “minimal”. The latest report suggests that this is a “localized effect”.

Apple shipped 28.7 million iPads in 15 months [1]. That’s some “localized effect”.

  1. See Wikipedia citations numbers 7-11. That’s only the total until June 25, though. It’s probably over 35 million by now.