In the MacBook Pros, the Connector to Nowhere Goes Somewhere

When iFixIt tore into the new 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Pros, they discovered a covered connector inside that appeared to go nowhere. They speculated that it might be either a diagnostic port or a way to get at the soldered SSD for data recovery. Turns out that it’s the latter. Jordan Kahn, 9to5Mac:

Apple’s new customer data migration tool is specifically designed for the 2016 MacBook Pro and includes a logic board holder with power adapter that allows repair staff to insert your logic board and connect it via USB-C to another MacBook Pro. That’s what the mystery “connector to nowhere” is for, and below is a photo of the new migration tool in action with a logic board inserted in the holder ready to transfer data.

The more cynical will see this as a solution to a problem that shouldn’t have been created. Others will see this is as a simple way to ensure the safety of a user’s data in the unlikely event that the SSD stops working. If you’re American and you happen to be checking your phone under the table, maybe bring this up during the dessert course as a way to lighten the mood.