Teenager Suspected by Cyber Researchers of Being Lapsus$ Mastermind bnnbloomberg.ca

William Turton and Jordan Robertson, Bloomberg:

Cybersecurity researchers investigating a string of hacks against technology companies, including Microsoft Corp. and Nvidia Corp., have traced the attacks to a 16-year-old living at his mother’s house near Oxford, England. 

Four researchers investigating the hacking group Lapsus$, on behalf of companies that were attacked, said they believe the teenager is the mastermind.

Lapsus$ has befuddled cybersecurity experts as it has embarked on a rampage of high-profile hacks. The motivation behind the attacks is still unclear, but some cybersecurity researchers say they believe the group is motivated by money and notoriety.

Microsoft yesterday explained some of the group’s methods as it also announced it was a victim:

Unlike most activity groups that stay under the radar, DEV-0537 doesn’t seem to cover its tracks. They go as far as announcing their attacks on social media or advertising their intent to buy credentials from employees of target organizations. DEV-0537 also uses several tactics that are less frequently used by other threat actors tracked by Microsoft. Their tactics include phone-based social engineering; SIM-swapping to facilitate account takeover; accessing personal email accounts of employees at target organizations; paying employees, suppliers, or business partners of target organizations for access to credentials and multifactor authentication (MFA) approval; and intruding in the ongoing crisis-communication calls of their targets.

It really is a higher-end version of that famous Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal strip.