Jim Lynch Wants to Be the Asshole of the Week Too ⇥ cio.com
As you can see from this list, the Mac has become a second rate product inside of Apple. The company simply cannot be bothered regularly updating the Mac, despite the fact that it is still a very important product for many of Apple’s customers.
It’s not as if Apple is some startup company, living on a shoestring budget. As I write this post the company has around $250 billion dollars and can easily afford to give the Mac more resources, time and energy. Heck, Apple has more money than a lot of countries on the planet!
But instead of updating the Mac, Tim Cook and the rest of his executives are spending their time worrying about transgender bathrooms. Is that really the proper thing to focus on for a business like Apple?
I have been as critical as anyone about the lacklustre year the Mac had in 2016. But the Mac is not competing against social advocacy for Apple’s attention. Lynch even said it himself: Apple is a big-ass company with an insane amount of resources. They can do lots of things. And ensuring equal rights for all is one way that Apple is able to put some of those resources to use.
What an asshole.
Aside: This post was published on the CIO “contributor network”. LinkedIn has one of those, as does Forbes. TechCrunch used to have one, but they shut it down recently because contributors were posting a lot of self-promotional garbage. I have yet to hear a great reason in favour of schemes like these.
Update: Jim Lynch previously argued that iOS 7 was “an estrogen-addled mess designed for 13 year old girls”, and was one of those people who giggled about the “iPad” name when it was announced. Give him credit: he’s a dedicated, long-time asshole. Via John Moltz.