iPhone X Pre-Order Demand ⇥ reuters.com
Aishwarya Venugopal and Arjun Panchadar, Reuters:
Pre-orders for the much-anticipated 10th anniversary phone started from 12.01 am PT (0701 GMT) on Friday.
I saw that this was true for lots of people, but not for me — neither the website nor the Apple Store app opened for me until about ten minutes later.
“We can see from the initial response, customer demand is off the charts,” an Apple spokeswoman told Reuters.
“We’re working hard to get this revolutionary new product into the hands of every customer who wants one, as quickly as possible.”
I’ve been through enough high-demand product sales that my problems accessing the store don’t really surprise me. They do, however, mean that estimated delivery dates for my iPhone are November 21–28. Shipping is now at 5–6 weeks in the United States and Canada.
If you’re hoping to get an iPhone X within the next couple of weeks and would rather not camp at your local Apple Store or cell carrier, I’d recommend trying to score an in-store reservation. The app tells me that November 4 at 8:01 AM is the earliest time I could try making a reservation; it may be different where you live.