Human After All

Federico Viticci reviews Tweetbot 3:

Tweetbot 3 isn’t a Twitter client that adopts Apple’s default new iOS 7 look without making its own adjustments to the interface and feature set: Tweetbot 3 is already full of subtle and more visible details that contribute to giving the app a very peculiar feel and flow. The animations and transitions that Haddad and Jardine implemented are elegant, apt, and playful; the core features that have been changed, such as web views in tabs and text highlighting in the Compose screen, make for a more flexible Tweetbot that outclasses the rigidity of Tweetbot 2. Tweetbot 3 is a better app because of its layout and design changes.

This is a beautiful app, and well worth the $3 to upgrade. My only complaint with it so far is that there’s no way to adjust the size of the text without using the system-wide Dynamic Text feature. The default size is a bit large for my liking. As far as complaints go, that’s tiny — this is an excellent update to my favourite Twitter client for my iPhone.

The most interesting aspect of Tweetbot 3, for me, is its interface. All other apps from Tapbots have a trademark aesthetic; Tweetbot 3 looks a little like Twitterrific, or like many of the other apps being updated for iOS 7. As Viticci points out, it’s customized and tweaked, but it still feels like it uses native UIKit components. That’s not a bad thing at all, but it’s interesting.

It reminds me a lot of when apps were being updated from OS 9 to OS X. Most apps used default OS X UI components initially, including those from Apple. Over time, though, designers began experimenting with new ways to take the interfaces they were creating. I think a similar path will be taken by iOS designers. Expect a lot of apps to use mostly default-looking components and colours. Slowly, though, designers will find new ways to customize the interfaces of their apps.