Kashmir Hill Profiles Mike Masnick of Techdirt nytimes.com

Kashmir Hill, New York Times:

It hasn’t paid very well, but what [Mike] Masnick doesn’t have in wealth he makes up for in influence. Lawmakers, activists and executives consider him an essential guide for what’s happening in the technology world and what to do next.

“Whenever tech policy news breaks I always want to see what Mike’s take is going to be,” said Senator Ron Wyden, Democrat of Oregon, in a statement. Mark Zuckerberg, the head of Meta, has called him “insightful and reasonable.” The tech entrepreneur Anil Dash said he “shows up and ships every day” and has been “filing constantly for decades on a beat that is thankless.”

Great profile, and deservedly so. When there is news about tech policy or overarching trends, Masnick’s voice is one of sanity and trust. When I disagree, I still find his opinion a valuable gut-check.