Personal Data Leaked From Five Hundred Million Facebook Users

Catalin Cimpanu, the Record:

A threat actor has published the phone numbers and account details for an estimated 533 million Facebook users —about a fifth of the entire social network’s user pool— on a publicly accessible cybercrime forum.

According to samples reviewed by The Record today, the leaked data includes information that users posted on their profiles. Information leaked today includes Facebook ID numbers, profile names, email addresses, location information, gender details, job data, and anything else users might have entered in their profiles.

Furthermore, the database also contains phone numbers for all users, information that is not always public for most profiles. A cursory review from The Record found multiple phone numbers for users that had not made their number public on the site.


“This is old data that was previously reported on in 2019,” a Facebook spokesperson told The Record. “We found and fixed this issue in August 2019.”

Well that is a relief since everyone I know has gotten a new name, email address, and phone number since August 2019.