Strength in the Face of Evil

It’s only Wednesday, yet this week has been dominated by two stories of madness and incredulity. I’ve found Monday’s bombings in Boston difficult to comprehend. As far as I’m aware, nobody I know has been injured. But, for what reason I’m not certain, the cowardice of such an event has had a significant impact on me.

I didn’t want to write anything about this on Monday, for reasons that CNN aptly demonstrated today. But after a personal pandemonium yesterday, I’ve found time to reflect.

Paul Kafasis wrote a particularly moving article:

Just as they must have been more than two centuries past, people today are frightened and concerned. But now, just as it was 238 years ago, Boston is defiant.

Dave Caolo has assembled some of the more uplifting stories that arose from such a horrific event.

The second story is, of course, the lack of willingness by the US Senate to allow a bill requiring background checks for firearm purchases to move any further in the legislative process — a bill which 91% of Americans supported. Even the normally stoic President found it difficult to contain his anger and disbelief.

It’s hard to believe that it’s only Wednesday.