A Big Band Plays a Tiny Club ⇥ theatlanticwire.com
Connor Simpson, The Atlantic Wire:
Last night the Rolling Stones played the ideal show that everyone wants but no one ever gets to see. They played a short set of their best hits and favorite covers at a small, “surprise” gig at the Echoplex, a 700-person Los Angeles club. Be jealous, because you weren’t there.
These kinds of gigs are unbeatable. New York’s Bowery Ballroom is famous for performances from acts big and small, despite having a capacity of just 500 patrons. A few years ago, Nine Inch Nails took the stage.1 In 2010, Kanye West performed his then-new album “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” in its entirety. And, just recently, Bob Mould rocked the house with some special guests. (There is a language warning on all of those videos, naturally.)
The Echoplex is a famous venue for Pitchfork-level indie acts, so to see the Rolling Stones play that club would be an incredible experience. Of course, it’s 2013, so secret shows aren’t so secret any more. Indeed, footage from the evening has surfaced on YouTube.
“Acidjack” recorded a great bootleg at this show, if you want it in its entirety. ↥︎