40 Years of Apple ⇥ 512pixels.net
Stephen Hackett:
I learned that I could take an idea and brute force it into the world.
And for that, Apple, thank you, from all of us.
As tech companies go, Apple is on the older side. Yet they continue to define how we will use technology for the foreseeable future, and establish the roadmap for the industry. Will Facebook one day turn 40? Will Square? How about Zynga? (I can answer that last one: No.)
They’re a company that has grown to an unfathomable scale, yet they retain the spirit of their foundation: relentless invention. Many of their biggest products are worked on by a relative handful of people internally. That’s a tremendous legacy, and it’s a culture that can’t be ginned up by a marketing department. That’s how they’ve kept going and growing.
In recognition of their fortieth birthday, Apple is flying the Jolly Roger over Infinite Loop.