Amazon Names Amazon Show as Best of 2014

Jason Del Rey, Recode:

If you’re looking to catch up on the top movies and TV shows of 2014, Amazon has a Top 10 list for you. And surprise! Amazon is No. 1.

The company, which is no stranger to beating its chest loudly and often, is using the list as another thumping opportunity during prime binge-viewing season. Case in point: It named its own show “Transparent” as the No. 1 show on its “Best of 2014” list for the “top 10 movies & TV shows.” Another one of its shows, “Mozart in the Jungle,” is No. 8 on the list. The latter just became available online one week ago, squeaking in just in time for the rankings. Sneaky Amazon!

The irony of a show called “Transparent” being produced and promoted by its distributor without any indication of the conflict of interest is kind of beautiful.