Changelog, 2023–04

Posts announcing a redesign are often boring and more than a little redundant. Here are four things I think you should know about this new iteration of Pixel Envy:

  1. I have joined this century and now use web fonts — specifically, I am using the excellent IBM Plex family. I am wary of its corporate-specific connection, but I like its legibility, its support for oldstyle figures, and its vintage-modern look.

    I am aware some people are not big fans of web fonts, whether for privacy reasons, bandwidth, or preference. I get it. For what it is worth, I serve these files myself instead of offloading that task on some third party I know nothing about. But if you would prefer to use system fonts instead, I have updated my opt out page.

  2. There is now, at long last, full support for dark mode.

  3. Speaking of things which feel completely outdated, I looked high and low for a current way of making a multi-resource favicon and these decade-old instructions are still the gold standard.

  4. I miss the way old record players and other bits of stereo equipment used specific applications of orange on otherwise near-white or grey objects. Orange is a good colour.

Let me know if anything is catastrophically broken. I am expecting problems with the odd article which uses images, but because there are so few, I am not too bothered, and will update as needed.