Sponsors are now being accepted for Pixel Envy, for advertisers I consider to offer high-quality and user-respecting products or services. Sponsorship costs $200 per week, which buys you the following:
Two linked posts for the week, one on Monday morning and one on Friday afternoon.
The title of each post will begin with “Sponsor:”, after which you have twelve words to describe your product or service.
Maximum two hundred and fifty words of body copy in each linked post.
The title will be linked and you can have the same link in the body copy.
I have no metrics for tracking that are useful to advertisers. If you want tracking, please add valid URL query strings to your link.
You are permitted one image in the post, a maximum of 468 points wide. I will re-host this image from my own server.
I will not permit tracking pixels, beacons, or other scripts or cookies.
Payment is due by the Sunday evening before your confirmed sponsorship week.
Even if your pitch is in compliance with all of the above restrictions, I alone will determine whether to accept your sponsorship.
If you would like to sponsor a regularly-updated blog, please get in touch. If you have any questions or would like some flexibility with the schedule, please contact me and we’ll see what we can figure out.