The Sad State of Apple Rumours

John Moltz, writing for Macworld:

At the risk of sounding like your prototypical hipster, today’s rumors just aren’t as good as they used to be. The devices that we hear whispers about now — a smartwatch, a television, a cheaper iPhone — seem lackluster compared to the rumored products of days past — products that, when they actually appeared, changed entire industries.

Remember how Tim Cook quipped that the company would be “doubling down on secrecy” at D10? How much has been leaked of the contents of iOS 7 or OS X 10.9? Apple’s quieter, so the rumours are only as big as the imaginations of analysts and bloggers.

On that note, let me toss one in for iOS 7: the possible return of Street View. You’ll recall that this time last year, the switch to an in-house Maps application was already rumoured. Turns out that C3 — the company that built the 3D mode — has also done street-level mapping.