The 4-Inch iPhone ⇥
Colin’s idea was to keep the shorter side of the iPhones screen the same, i.e. 640 pixels at 1.94 inches. With that in mind how much would the longer side need to increase so the that diagonal measurement was 4 inches. The answer, derived using simple algebraic rearrangement of Pythagorus’s theorem, 1152 pixels and 3.49 inches. That leaves the the diagonal length measuring a little over 3.99 inches, I’m sure Apple PR could round this 4.
For those of you who are good with numbers I’m sure you’ve noted that 1152 x 640 has an aspect ratio of 9:5 and the 1152 pixels is and increase of 192 from 960 and that’s 20% more than on the iPhone 4 and 4S.
Interesting theory. This is something that’s been thrown around before, and I think it’s the most likely solution for a larger iPhone display. John Gruber doesn’t just think it’s the most likely solution; he’s convinced that Colin knows something:
Methinks “Colin” wasn’t merely guessing or idly speculating.
Sebastiaan de With thinks it’s not going to happen:
Apple won’t do this with the iPhone. It’s completely impossible to use with one hand.
Marco Arment isn’t weighing in on the likelihood, but dislikes the idea:
I’m not sure I would like this. An almost-16:9 aspect ratio looks weird in portrait orientation, like the many 16:9 Android tablets. And the iPhone is primarily used in portrait.