Southwest Airlines Did Not Dodge the CrowdStrike-Caused Outage Thanks to Windows 3.1

Thom Holwerda:

A story that’s been persistently making the rounds since the CrowdStrike event is that while several airline companies were affected in one way or another, Southwest Airlines escaped the mayhem because they were still using Windows 3.1. It’s a great story that fits the current zeitgeist about technology and its role in society, underlining that what is claimed to be technological progress is nothing but trouble, and that it’s better to stick with the old. At the same time, anybody who dislikes Southwest Airlines can point and laugh at the bumbling idiots working there for still using Windows 3.1. It’s like a perfect storm of technology news click and ragebait.

Too bad the whole story is nonsense.

I would say Holwerda’s debunking is a thorough exploration of how so many media outlets got this story wrong but — and I mean this in the nicest possible way — that would be overselling it. As Holwerda admits, it took scarcely any research to fact check a claim carried by Tom’s Hardware, Tech Radar, Forbes, Digital Trends, and lots of others. Embarrassing.