Slacktivism Will Not Cut It ⇥
Janus Rose, 404 Media:
You can discourse and quote-dunk and fact-check until you’re blue in the face, but at a certain point, you have to stop and decide what truth you believe in. The internet has conditioned us to constantly seek new information, as if becoming a sponge of bad news will eventually yield the final piece of a puzzle. But there is also such a thing as having enough information. As the internet continues to enshittify, maybe what we really need is to start trusting each other and our own collective sense of what is true and good.
I think it is reasonable to approach the bleak reality in which many now live — or, for some of us, will soon — differently depending on our style. “Posters post”. Some people work things out by brain dumping. Some people — me included — have a brain fried by too much news, too fast, all the time, and we are just trying to cope. None of that is bad or wrong.
However, Rose is correct in writing that information needs to eventually be turned into action. That might look different for different people, but it rarely looks like a sick dunk hinging on a technical definition. I do not think stop posting, start acting is easy, nor is it right for everyone. But we need to recognize there are far more people who, despite disagreements, have common goals in opposition to far-right authoritarians than there are those who agree with them.
Update: Sandy Allen has good advice on what can help.