Jessica Rosenworcel Is Acting Chairwoman of the FCC ⇥
Americans, I have good news: not only has Ajit Pai left the FCC, President Biden has asked Jessica Rosenworcel to be its interim chairwoman.
Margaret Harding McGill, Axios:
Rosenworcel served as an FCC commissioner during both the Obama and Trump administrations. She supported net neutrality rules and opposed mega-mergers that came before the agency including that between T-Mobile and Sprint.
Her greatest focus, however, has been on shoring up the FCC’s subsidy programs and the broadband connectivity data they rely on.
Rosenworcel has particularly emphasized the need to close the “homework gap” — the divide between students who have fast, reliable in-home internet and those who don’t.
Rosenworcel has often been on the right side of internet issues. It is necessary to keep being skeptical of administration officials, but it would be smart to put Rosenworcel in the chairperson’s seat for the next four years.