Returning to ‘Origins’

John Ganz:

If one reads closely, there is nothing in the ideology of the imperialist bourgeoisie that Arendt describes that is not shared by this new tech-oligarchy. What could explain better the apparent contradiction in the oscillation between their state-phobic libertarianism and sudden interest grasp for the reigns of state power; “What Imperialists actually wanted was expansion of political power without the foundation of a body politic.” Power without public accountability or a common good. And what about the strange transformation of many of these figures from Utopian “progressives” into dystopian reactionaries? Arendt account[s] for this as well. […]

File this under the essays that will be seen as either barely relevant or prescient for the next four-or-so years, all of which I hope are the former but will likely — and regrettably — fall into the latter camp.