Meet Trump’s FCC Advisors ⇥
April Glaser, Recode:
President-elect Trump formally named two advisers to help oversee his telecom policy agenda at the Federal Communications Commission today: Jeff Eisenach and Mark Jamison.
Both are fierce opponents of the network neutrality rules the agency passed last year and have long advocated against regulations aimed at reining in the already massively consolidated telecom industry, where most Americans have no more than one or two choices for broadband providers as it is.
Glaser, in a separate article on Recode:
When Comcast was considering a Time Warner takeover in 2013, Eisenach wrote, “The best thing that could happen for U.S. consumers would be substantial consolidation in the cable business.”
And when AT&T wanted to purchase T-Mobile in 2011, Eisenach likewise argued in favor of the merger, pointing out, “The wireless market is extremely competitive.”
It will come as no surprise that Eisenach and Jamison have both lobbied on behalf of major American telecom companies, but so did current FCC chairman Tom Wheeler. Wheeler did a complete turnaround on net neutrality while working at the FCC and ended up pushing forward a strong set of rules for ISPs and telecoms.
Based on his deluded statements about how consolidation is the “best thing that could happen” for consumers and that there’s ample competition in the U.S. telecom space, I doubt that Eisenach will ever change. That should worry you.