MacOS 10.12.4 Sherlocks F.lux, Adds Jaundice Mode ⇥
Juli Clover, MacRumors:
According to Apple, the update includes a new Night Shift mode that automatically shifts the display color to the warmer end of the spectrum after night, offering Mac users an alternative to F.lux. Night Shift has been available on iOS devices since iOS 9.3.
Just in time for a spray-tanned presidency, too.
I know some of you probably think I’m being deliberately obtuse, but I tried F.lux for a month several years ago and the only difference I noticed was that I doubted my onscreen colours all the time. I removed it, re-calibrated that display, and didn’t try anything similar until Night Shift was released in iOS 9.3. I had the same reaction to that as well. Neither one made any change to how I fall asleep.
But, if F.lux and Night Shift work for you, this news might make you happy.