Introducing Instagram v2.0

A big, big update that doesn’t fix the issue Louie Mantia noted on Twitter yesterday:

I don’t care if Instagram is run by 5 people or how many millions of users it has, but they could have a designer look at it. It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to realize how horribly rendered that blue bar is.

This update has an arguably uglier photo capture UI. On the plus side, the new filters err on the side of subtlety, which I prefer.

Edit: Mantia posted a tweet around the time I posted this link:

Wait, so Instagram went version 2 and the navbar isn’t fixed? It still scrolls with the view and looks like ass. Icon is better though.

I think the current scrolling behaviour of the navbar is excellent, but I agree with everything else. That blue bar still looks like crap. Instagram should get the rights to Tapmates’ redesign.