On Tuesday, the Guardian Will Push Up-to-the-Moment Election Notifications ⇥ niemanlab.org
Laura Hazard Owen, Nieman Lab:
Apple added the ability for apps to push rich notifications with the release of iOS 10 in September. This is the first time that the Lab is including iPhones in its experiments, and “the first time we’ve worked on a new notification format that will be available for apps,” said Sarah Schmalbach, the Lab’s senior product manager. The Mobile Innovation Lab collaborated with The Guardian’s U.K. mobile apps development team to incorporate the new format into the paper’s iOS and Android apps. “We shared with them how we built the live data alert format for Chrome web, and also provided the data feed that will power the alerts the night of the election,” Schmalbach said. The team also worked directly with the developer who manages The Guardian’s push notification service, to develop new business rules and ways to deliver data through notifications in real time.
Judging by the screenshot in the article, it looks like the Guardian is going to be showing off the power of iOS 10’s new push notification APIs. This is what the new notifications backend was really designed for: live and breaking events.