Gary Allen of IFO Apple Store Has Passed Away ⇥
Michael S. Rosenwald, Washington Post:
In March, Allen announced his blog was ending, saying so many others were following the stores now. “Who am I to keep up with them?” he wrote. “So, I’m going to focus on my family and friends, drop the demands of writing and get back to what it was before—just fun.” […]
The real reason he gave it up, his brother said, was the brain cancer diagnosis. He didn’t want people to worry or fuss over him. The site is down, likely for good. Allen leaves behind another brother, Bob Allen, his wife Nancy, son Devin, and an incredible free spirit.
Gary’s voice is one I’ve missed since he stopped writing in March, and will miss for a very long time to come. He was one of the originals and the greats.
Fuck cancer.