Trapping Misbehaving Bots in an A.I. Labyrinth

Reid Tatoris, Harsh Saxena, and Luis Miglietti, of Cloudflare:

Today, we’re excited to announce AI Labyrinth, a new mitigation approach that uses AI-generated content to slow down, confuse, and waste the resources of AI Crawlers and other bots that don’t respect “no crawl” directives. When you opt in, Cloudflare will automatically deploy an AI-generated set of linked pages when we detect inappropriate bot activity, without the need for customers to create any custom rules.

Two thoughts:

  1. This is amusing. Nothing funnier than using someone’s own words or, in this case, technology against them.

  2. This is surely going to lead to the same arms race as exists now between privacy protections and hostile adtech firms. Right?