Apple Unveils Logic Pro X

Apple PR:

Apple today unveiled Logic Pro X, the most advanced version of Logic Pro to date, featuring a new interface designed for pros, powerful new creative tools for musicians, and an expanded collection of instruments and effects. Logic Pro X includes Drummer, a revolutionary new feature that provides a virtual session player that automatically plays along with your song in a wide variety of drumming styles and techniques, and Flex Pitch, which provides integrated pitch editing for audio recordings.

It’s alive. Colour me surprised.

The demos look really impressive; Flex Pitch, in particular, sounds very natural, and should enable any idiot like me to have a great pop music career. The guitar plugins are equally great.

I love the excessive detail, too. While iOS 7 is getting cleaned up, Apple’s going berserk with the finish of Logic, with impeccably rendered amps, drums, and keyboards. I don’t like the circular knobs — trying to rotate things in a mouse- or trackpad-driven space is a gigantic pain in the ass.

There are some nice improvements to Mainstage, too.