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This article suggests it’s because of where Apple’s revenue currently lies. I think that’s part of it, but I think Apple sells enough iPods to maintain them. Perhaps it’s a cooling or power issue.
The iPhone 4S lacked that “new toy” feeling I was hoping for when I got a chance to pick it up briefly. The sad truth is that such Apple events are the equivalent to Christmas day for adults, where you’re hoping to get surprised by what’s under the wraps. The iPhone 4S fails in that front.
Peter Pachal, in a post titled “How Apple Could Have Stopped the iPhone 4S From Being a Dud”:
Okay, the party’s over, we’ve recovered from our Apple hangovers, and the verdict is in: The iPhone 4S is lame.
Apple, today:
Apple today announced pre-orders of its iPhone 4S have topped one million in a single day, surpassing the previous single day pre-order record of 600,000 held by iPhone 4.
Apparently, “underwhelming” and “lame” breaks records.