Samsung to Shut Down ChatOn Next Year ⇥
I didn’t even know Samsung had an iMessage competitor, though I should have guessed. But they do, or, rather, did. Richard Lawler, Engadget:
The company blamed “changing market conditions” for the change, but seems that despite a claimed 100 million strong user base, people weren’t really using the software preloaded on so many smartphones.
“Changing market conditions”, eh? How’s iMessage doing?
During today’s annual stockholders meeting, Apple CEO Tim Cook revealed (via Bloomberg) that [several] billion iMessages and 15 to 20 million FaceTime calls are made daily. That number suggests iMessage has grown exponentially over the course of the last year as usage numbers were at two billion messages per day in January of 2013.
Maybe if market conditions continue to change, Samsung will keep removing its terrible bloatware.