It’s Time for Flash to Die

Graham Culey:

If Adobe Flash is ever going to be kicked to the kerb (as it seems it should be) then a date clearly needs to be declared to drive the push to a Flash-free world. It’s not just important for browsers, of course, but also for companies whose websites and in-house applications might rely heavily on the technology.

The problem is that perhaps Adobe doesn’t feel happy acknowledging that securing Flash is beyond them, and so is unwilling to drop the product. The truth is that the company would probably gain a lot more respect from the internet community if it worked towards this ultimate fix for the Flash problem, rather than clinging on to the belief that it might be able to one day make Flash secure.

It’s long past time for Flash to die. To begin with, Google should stop bundling such an enormous security hole into Chrome, which has been the world’s most popular web browser for a while now. If they were to do this publicly, with some fanfare, Adobe would likely feel compelled to respond. And there’s no way they’ll actually secure Flash.